
Bring Buyers Back To Your Site!

You have probably heard the term “Remarketing” or “Retargeting”. It’s the process of showing advertising to a specific audience that’s made up exclusively of visitors that have already been to your site.

Remarketing works by dropping a cookie into the browser of every visitor. Then, the visitors who have not yet opted in for your offers or purchased from you, are targeted with specific, “Come Back And Buy From Us” Ads.


This can (and should) be done with both the Google network , YouTube, AND the Facebook network so that your targeted prospects see your offer (and your brand) several times during the buying cycle.

You will get the most out of your advertising investment by remarketing to every source of traffic that brings people to your website. This includes offline sources such as TV, Radio and Print Advertising as well as online sources like PPC, Mobile and Video Ads.

We make remarketing a part of nearly every project we manage for our clients. It increases brand awareness and produces a greater ROI for advertisers who use it effectively.

Contact us today for help with your remarketing campaign and download a copy of our Free Google Ads Remarketing Guide to learn more!